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What Is Creative Calm? and What Do We Do?

Creative Calm is about creating a safe space to explore our own self awareness and build resilience. We embrace the unique qualities of the Didgeridoo and use its ancient vibrating sounds to explore our conscious breathing habits. We aim to build the capacity for our communities kindness no matter what our age, ability or experience.

Our unique lives are full of challenges, through these challenges we can realise just how amazing and resilient we are. 


Creative Calm was built to provide compassionate and creative services for our communities that improve the mental health and wellbeing of its participants. Its programs are designed to explore relatable ways to empower individuals in our community to build the mental tools we need to revitalize a positive and resilient mindset.


Our services embrace our First Peoples rich musical culture, country and ancient breathwork techniques. We provide meditative and personal training to build resilience. We believe that by being present in the moment, we can be at our best when others need us most.

Common Requirements and Requests.

Creative Calm Australia is fully insured for Public Liability.

All of our Facilitators have Police Clearances and

Current Working with Children Visas

This information is available by email request.

music set up CC

Why we started Creative Calm

'The true path of self improvement will always lead to self-kindness, self-compassion and then the want to help others love themselves too.'


This is why we started Creative Calm.

You are enough, you've done enough, you will always be enough.... that truth told,  we can now explore what makes us so special.

How do we find our inner presence?

How does this presence effect others?

How can we build our personal resilience?

Creative Calm asks some big philosophical questions that begin a dialogue of self exploration and self improvement.

The world is full of suffering, so its up to us to stand up and be kind, to show compassion and to show empathy in the face of personal challenges. 

 We want to show that all of life’s challenges and mistakes no matter how great, serve to give us the most amazing opportunity to improve ourselves. We work creatively to teach resilience and positive mindful habits that relieve stress and anxiety allowing us to reach out, show Love, and practice real Compassion for one another. Together without fear of failure we can give ourselves the bright future we deserve.

'For the deeper the mud the taller the Gum.'

Creative Calm has a range of services for groups and individuals of all ages and abilities. Get in touch with us and explore your power of presence.

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